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You know that nothing feels as good as when you do a good deed for others? And you know we are a women’s big cup bra store, run by women who wear big cups, for women who need big cups? So we found a couple of women’s charities where women with big cups may not be catered for.
If you would like to send us your old bras, we will collect them and donate them for you, but they need to be clean and in good nick. (More like a bra that’s the wrong size for you rather than one that’s worn out). We are particularly charitable at Storm in a D Cup, so if you tick the DONATE button on the checkout page, we will donate a BRAND NEW bra to one of the below charities. Yes, a brand spanking new bra, or a nice pair of undies, for a woman in a refuge escaping abuse, a woman living on the streets, or for a woman in a developing country. You donate just $5, we’ll donate the rest.
Give a little, you’ll feel great.
We donate to these charities:
Share the Dignity
Uplift Bras
Support the Girls Canada